Mittwoch, 2. Februar 2011

Eingeschneit oder Eingeeist?!

Whoever is praying for snow, please stop! 

52,000 ppl in Stark County w/o power! Civic Center open for emergency shelter!

Canton city's mayor issued a State of emergency for the city of Canton

Meteorologists are predicting an ice storm of epic proportions followed by a somewhat-less-epic snowstorm. Schools are being canceled, candles and canned food are flying off Walmart's shelves, and people are pulling out those ugly Christmas sweaters in fear that their Aunt Dorris' awful taste in outerwear may be the only thing that stands between them and death... you know what this means... SNOWPOCALYPSE 2011 IS UPON US!!! LOAD YOUR GUNS AND STOCK UP ON BAKED BEANS... WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!!!

The storm, touching some 30 states and a third of the US population, stretched from New Mexico to Maine and included another blast of winter in New York City.

Thousands of airline passengers were stranded across the country after major airlines cancelled more than 5,000 flights in advance of the storm. There were more flight cancellations on Wednesday.

More than 300,000 customers were without power from Texas to Ohio.

8:37 a.m.: The temperature is dropping to around 30 degrees in Stark County, where there are at least 52,000 power outages. Our Stark County news crew is on I-77 South near the Akron-Canton Airport now, and they report it's beginning to sleet, and the wind is really picking up. 

Ein gewaltiger Blizzard lähmt das Leben in Teilen der USA. Orkanartige Stürme und rekordverdächtige Minusgrade haben Gebiete von Texas bis Maine fest im Griff. Vor allem die Metropole Chicago ist betroffen. Tausende Flüge werden gestrichen, in einigen Bundesstaaten wird der Notstand ausgerufen. Nach dem Blizzard warnen Experten vor einer Kältewelle.A handful of people were taking advantage of the emergency shelter center Thursday morning at the Canton Memorial Civic Center.The number could grow as those without power seek warmth.A bitter winter storm stretching 2,000 miles (3,200km) is crippling swathes of the US and Canada with heavy snow, rain and high winds.Authorities warned the "potentially killer blizzard" could pummel Chicago through the morning.

District NameDateLength of Closing / DelayReason
North Canton CityWednesday, 2/2/20111 DayIce
Comments: Please check our website for other school and/or athletic cancellations for today. Have a great day!

--- Wir mussten zu Freunden fahren, weil wir keinen Strom haben und es schweinekalt geworden ist im Haus --- 

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